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Post-pandemic Benefits of Being a Freelance Translator


Being a freelance translator has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, however, the 2020 lockdown caused by the Covid-19 Epidemic, might let those advantages outrank the disadvantages especially that the translation industry does not necessarily require more than a working space, a laptop and internet.

 Traditionally, people look for a regular job that gives the assurance of a steady income, employee benefits like health insurance, paid sick and vacation leaves, bonuses, promotions, commissions and profit sharing.

However, a regular job does not grant you the freedom you have when working as a freelance translator!

Time spent in the office as regular employment often means being in the office from 9 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon…It means coming to the office five days a week.

Regular work makes you wake up early to beat the rush hour when commuting. It takes you away from your family for long periods and your social life becomes curbed.

Set your own rules by working as a freelance translator

Let’s praise advanced technology, communication facilities and online careers, and the non-presence requirement; that gave translators the option to freelance, an advantage over other regular jobs.

Therefore, if you’re in this situation, would you rather be a regular employee or be a freelance translator? Let’s explore some of the benefits of being a freelance translator especially during Covid19 lockdown.

  1. You’re Your Own Boss

When you decide to work as a freelance translator, you have autonomy. You manage your own business, choose your own projects and hold responsibility of the quality of your work therefore your success depends on the time you invest in your work.

You do not have to contend with frightening bosses and insecure co-workers who love to gossip.

You can also choose not to bear with impossible workloads and very short deadlines and you get to decide how much you charge for your work.

2.    A Freelance Translator Has Flexibility

As a freelance translator, you gain overall flexibility. Time management becomes a personal duty that reflects your organizational skills depending on the work demands of the day. You can attend seminars and conferences and manage your working hours the way you want.

Since your income depends on how many hours and days you want to work, this flexibility might be costly or profit-bursting depending on your capabilities, activeness, vivacity and will.

Flexibility in freelance translation means that you also decide when you want to work. You can choose the time when you’re most productive – early in the morning or late in the evening. You can choose how to manage your day to be able to carry out other activities.

If you are a stay-at-home mom or dad, working as a freelance translator means having more time to spend with your spouse and children. And maybe…your kids might have a chance to learn a new word every day!

A freelance translator is ambulant: Technology works for freelance translators as well, because as a freelance translator, you do not have to stay confined at home.

In normal cases, you can work where you are most comfortable. In exceptional cases, specifically during the 2020 Lockdown caused by the Corona Virus, home remains the safest place to work as a freelance translator, without affecting quality or changing any typical work behavior.

What about the social distancing negative effect on freelance translators: Social distancing measures do not affect the work of the freelance translators and therefore they aren’t highly affected by it.

When you’re a freelance translator: If the weather is wet or cold, you can stay warm at home while you work. When it’s warm and sunny, you can take your laptop, maybe earphones and work in the coffee shop.

As a freelance translator, you can choose to take on different clients and work on small projects or seek large and more demanding projects to enhance your portfolio.

3.  You Control your Income and Expenses

Another benefit of being a freelance translator is being in control of how much you earn and how much you want to spend. Many freelance translators work continuously and furiously for a few months to earn as much money as possible then take it easy for the rest of the year.

Freelance translators get to save money, cut several expenses such as transportation, food, and taxes and office rentals.

4.  Globalization

This is one of the most attractive benefits of being a freelancer. As a freelance translator, you are not tied up with local clients.

With fast Internet and communication facilities, you can find translation jobs not only within your area but also overseas. You can apply or bid for translation jobs anywhere in the world without leaving your home.

5.  Age is Just a Number

Your age will not matter to your clients. You can remain a well-reputed freelance translator as long as you maintain the quality, deadlines and translation skills.

 When you work in an office, you are often forced to retire when you reach a certain age. When you are a freelancer, you can work beyond your retirement years, as long as you can.

6. Networking

Despite the fact that you are not present in a bubbly working space with gossiping co-workers, being a freelance translator does not necessarily mean that you are isolated from the rest of society. You will find yourself meeting and communicating with many interesting people from all over the world through social media platforms, Skype, zoom, email, and of course, the telephone.

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