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How to memorize Words in Foreign Languages 2021?


How to memorize Words in Foreign Languages 2022?

Translators always aim at broadening their horizons and learning new languages. Arabic, Chinese and Russian are considered hard to learn. To the language learners and translators, here are 3 ways to memorize words from new languages.

  1. Have a wild Guess

A good way to remember a new word is to guess its meaning before you know it. With the act of guessing, even if the guess is wrong, you are more likely to remember the word much better after you are told the answer.

This applies to names too, guess someone’s name when you meet them for the first time and when you learn their name, you will remember it better later on.

  1. Repeat, Memorize, Repeat

Repetition is well-known to be the key to memory. Have you heard of mega-drilling? It is an innovation which powerful results were proven. What is it? As per this technique: if you recall the memory 30 times, you will memorize better, let’s say, if you meet someone new, repeat their name 30 times.

  1. Become Spatial

Nope we don’t mean go to Area 51 or connect with extraterrestrials, however it is known that humans remember space very well, so, to remember words, picture a room, then attach the word and its meaning to a place in the room.

  1. Create a mnemonic

 Use whatever a new word sounds like or makes you think of, and you’ll remember it more. It helps connect the word to the knowledge you already have in your mind, and the quality of memory which gets formed is much higher.

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